
Support on SAP BPC 10.1 Microsoft extended: Don't wait to outsource

SAP has chosen to extend support on SAP BPC 10.1 for Microsoft through June 2026. This means there is about 1.5 extra years to orientate yourself to other EPM solutions. Despite this extra time, it is essential to secure management and maintenance for that period and to establish a roadmap for the replacement and archiving of SAP BPC.

a party specialized in sap epm.

Referit has been working with our specialized partner SWAP Support for 13 years. Referit provides technical support and hosting of EPM solutions and SWAP Support provides functional support. Together we form a specialized, one-stop shop service combination. By outsourcing  to this combination, there is more room for focus on your business goals. Who wouldn't want that?

benefits of outsourcing support.

Outsourcing support to a specialized party provides several benefits:

  • Being completely unburdened:
  • ~~Continuity - no problems with vacations, illness or turnover;
  • ~~Lots of focus on IT security and performance;
  • ~~Flexibility and scaling;
  • Your own technical knowledge, both functional and technical, is no longer required:
  • ~~Swap Support's functional team has in-depth knowledge of SAP BPC and other EPM solutions;
  • ~~ Referit's technical team is available for support 24/7.

epm roadmap.

This is the time to outsource the support and maintenance of the existing environment and to get guidance on the choice of and transition to a new EPM solution. Swap Support's EPM roadmap, which includes the SAP Maintenance Strategy and migration options, is a good guide for this. Click here for an article on the SWAP Support website on this topic.

Moreover, chances are that this extension means that the Windows Server software of your current SAP BPC platform must be upgraded between now and June 2026 to avoid vulnerabilities. And the data in SAP BPC must also be retained and accessible for several years after the phase-out due to the legal retention period. Swap Support and Referit can provide the solution for this.

So don't wait any longer.

want more information?

Would you like more information about outsourcing your hosting and management in a broader sense or specifically for your SAP BPC environment? Or would you just like to meet us? That is always possible! Feel free to contact us at +31 88 313 9913 or book a free IT consultation.‍

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